In The Times magazine last weekend, there was an article about Christophe Vasseur and baking quality breads. It included a recipe which caught my eye because its chief ingredient is stale bread. We always have plenty of this because people forget/ neglect to put the lid on the bread box or tie closed the bagel bag. Another key ingredient is sliced apples. The boys take lots of fruit in their packed lunches but some of it makes the return journey, arriving a little bruised but good enough to bake.
I suppose Tendresse aux pommes is a kind of bread and butter pudding. The bread and dried fruit are soaked overnight in milk, then mixed with eggs, sugar, apples and rum, baked and dusted with icing sugar. I didn't have rum so I used brandy which always works for me. Cut into pieces, it makes an easy snack. As the bread I used is half rye, I can convince myself that along with all the fruit it is fairly healthy.
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